Tyvek Fabric ‘Off the Roll’ – Folded

Tyvek Fabric ‘Off the Roll’ – Folded

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Tyvek® is ideal for many applications when protecting or storing heritage items as it is inert, non-abrasive and dustproof.  The glossy side has a strong anti-static coating which repels dust and dirt.  As a breathable fabric, it does give protection from dampness and moisture.  Strong, but soft and flexible, it does not degrade over time.  Tyvek® can be used as a protective cover for almost any type of costume, piece of furniture or artifact.

Tyvek® comes 1.4 metres wide and is available in the following offcuts.

This Tyvek® is 1422A and the full specification can be found on the Dupont website.  Tyvek 1422A weighs 41 g/m².