Collection: Cleaning

The removal of any type of soiling, leading to brighter and fresher textile pieces is always to be welcomed.  Nevertheless, cleaning must be undertaken carefully so as not to damage the textile, and this is all the more important with fragile and delicate pieces.

Having the correct, museum-quality conservation products, and following the detailed instructions carefully, will enable you to deal with much of the soiling on your textiles.  However, the products are only as effective as the textiles, and their condition, will allow and so, in a few cases, you may only be able to lighten the soiling.  Do remember that textiles are at their weakest when wet and so should be suitably supported to minimise the risk of damage when being handled when wet.

Picture shows sampler soaking in a suitable container, supported by ConservaMesh, prior to wet cleaning using Restore Detergent.  Soaking is an important part of wet cleaning as it gives chance for the soiling to loosen.

Restore Products is always happy to offer advice on the use of our products but, "if in doubt about cleaning - don't!"  We can direct you to professional help.

5 products